Snacking habits

Has quarantine changed your eating habits when it comes to snacking? For many, quarantine has bought about an unhealthy relationship between us and the snacks in our pantries. Maybe you’ve indulged in more chips, sweet biscuits and ice cream in the past year than you’d like to be reminded of.

But it’s not necessarily the snacking itself that’s causing any unwanted weight gain or sluggishness you’re living with as a result of the extra hours at home. It’s the quality of snacks that matters.

The Beneftis Of Snacking

Firstly, let’s dispel a common misconception: You do not need to eat three square meals a day.
The current three-meal-a-day “rule” has developed over time as a results of cultural values, technology and workday structures. What we know now, is that the components of our meals and snacks are more important than the frequency of when we eat.


  • Snacking stops you from getting too hungry, so you don’t find yourself indulging in any craving of the moment.
  • Snacking provides regular boosts of energy to support an active lifestyle, exercise and fitness.
  • And if you have a sensitive digestive system, smaller snacks throughout the day can reduce some of those uncomfortable feelings that come with poor digestion.

Tips For Healthy Snacking

The key is making better choices and sticking with it. Once you train your tastebuds away from the sweet and salty snacks, you’ll find the cravings dissipate.  Here are a few tips to get you started.

1. Go For Texture Over Taste

In your intestines, there are hundreds of different bacteria species. Each species has a unique role in your health and requires a different set of nutrients to thrive. Eating a diverse diet rich in whole foods can lead to a diverse microbiota.
We all crave a sugar and salt overload now and then. But, more often than not, we want a certain sensory experience from our food, rather than merely a distinct taste. Why would we put chips on our sandwiches or pick chocolate cake over chocolate froyo if not for these reasons?
Consider your options the next time you’re craving a snack. Is an entire bag of peanut butter pretzels really necessary, or will crunchy celery with a dab of peanut butter suffice? Instead of pudding, consider yoghurt. Instead of fruit snacks, eat berries. Instead of milkshakes, try fruit smoothies and protein shakes..
Need some convenient snack substitutes? Try these:

• Cookie dough, cookie butter, or peanut butter → Peanut Butter Bliss Snack Bites
• Chips or crackers → Whey Thins™ or Harvest Thins™
• Chocolate candy bar → IsaDelight® Super-Chocolate
• Oatmeal cookies → Nature Oat Bakes™

Isalean bar

2. Tone Down The Sugar

Our bodies are incredible adapters. If you’ve ever tried to be reduce your carb intake for more than a few weeks, you know that your tastes can shift. Before you realise it, that once-delicious dessert is making you feel icky instead of satisfying your hunger.
Remember that sugar is addicting, and that too much of it can harm your health. That means you’re adding gasoline to the fire every time you bite into a doughnut or drink sweetened coffee. If you absolutely must have sugar, choose for a fibre fruit or vegetable that will keep you satisfied for longer.

3. Investigate The Source Of Your Cravings

Intuitive eating is a good idea, but it has certain drawbacks. When it comes to deciphering hunger cues, it’s all too simple to get our wires confused. Is your body actually in need of the three-cheese pizza, or are you simply deficient in beneficial fats?

You may notice that your unhealthy snack desires diminish once you acquire the nutrients your body need.

Diverse foods image

 4. Trick Your Appetite

Hunger sensations are difficult to understand. In fact, you could be thirsty rather than hungry. The next time your stomach grumbles, try a glass of water, tea, or a fizzy beverage like BEA Sparkling Energy Drink.

If hydration doesn’t help, you’re probably starving. Instead of reaching for the junk food at the gas station, choose a snack that is high in protein or fibre.

Still need some appetite assistance? Our Isagenix Snacks™Fiber Snacks™, and Snack Bites help satisfy hunger.

Watch this short video to learn how Isagenix Snack Bites are your tool for curbing cravings and supporting weight maintenance. 

Isagenix Snack Bites

Snack Bites
A Breakthrough in Better Gut Health

Buy Retail $30.67 or Subscribe & Save: $23

5. Leave Empty Calories Out Of Your Cart

If you don’t have unhealthy snacks on hand, you won’t be able to eat them. It can be that simple at times.
Don’t shop for groceries if you’re hungry. Instead of sticking to your typical brand, try a new cereal or granola from the health area when you’re shopping. And if you’re willing to walk or drive to the supermarket for a slice of cake at 9 p.m., maybe — just maybe — you’ve earned that snack after all.

Revamp your pantry and try changing up your snacking schedule to see what works best for you.

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